TBGPEA Job Application

Personal Information



City:      State:      Zip Code: 

Phone Number:   email:


    Plant Identification (select all that apply)
High School, 4-H, FFA 
       College course work

Summer work experience

   Field Methods (select all that apply)
       Line intercept
       Cover by species (point transect)

   GPS Use
       Own a GPS, very experienced
       Own a GPS, some experience
       Some experience
       No experience

Other Information
   Please answer the following questions:
       I have a pickup or other high clearance vehicle
       I have an ATV

        Date I would be available to begin work
        Last date I could work


  Brief statement telling us why you would like this job

In addition, please print a copy of your application and mail it to

671 Steinle Rd
Douglas, WY  82633

Please contact Dave Pellatz at 307-359-1328 or via email if you have any questions  

Updated:  02/04/2011